So I'm kinda writing this post at 4.30 in the morning, very, very drunk.
As I am heavily intoxicated, any grammatical errors or bad language can be ignored where possible. I have been trying to write this post for quite a few days and each time I come to do it I don't really know where to start or what to include, so while the alcohol is flowing through me and my creative juices are flowing, I'm gonna take a final stab at it.
I moved to university to become a free woman. Nobody to tell me what to do or when to clean my room or when to do my washing or when and what to eat. Nobody to stop me doing irresponsible things either! That was all I wanted - freedom. A week later and I'm seriously thinking I overestimated my ability to provide for myself and live alone.
The nightlife has been INSANE. Not only that, my flat is incapable of going out without something awesome or eventful happening - every night out leads to a different ridiculous and outrageous story. Last night we ended up playing beer pong in an empty bar with a bunch of 40 year olds till we all fell over and couldn't drink anymore. We then ended up waiting outside one club until ridiculous hours of the morning because my flat mate had left her phone there hours before. Both our hands were red and blue from banging on the doors so much! Anyway, that was just last night which has been the most tame of them all.
Tonight we saw Danny Howard play at one of the clubs in my city. Not going to lie it was awesome - sweaty drunk people dancing to house music for hours... It's probably weird that I like that. Anyway it was such a good night and I'm a massive dancer so it was so good.
Apart from the nightlife I'm finding university a little boring during the days. I wonder if it's because my boyfriend is so far away and I'm used to spending my days with him? I really need a job. That's the first thing I'd recommend to anyone going to uni: look for a job first! You need the money and it's something productive to do with your time instead of Netflix binging and eating shitty food like I've been doing.
I do miss home.
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